Listen — I’m going to tell you something

I try not to worry about the small stuff.

I try not to worry that my kids aren’t eating enough veggies, or that they watch too much TV, or that I didn’t get photos with Santa every year. 

Then, I started volunteering as a photographer at the Phoenix Children’s Hospital. I met and photographed families with children who were chronically ill, and it changed the way I thought about parenting. And about life. These families were faced with the possibility of losing their kiddos at any given moment. They didn’t tend to sweat the small stuff. They just appreciated the time they had with their kids.

So when I say “no worries” about the stain on your son’s shirt or the pile of laundry in the corner, I really mean it. The love you have for one another is what really matters.

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“Working with Christine is a pure delight. She’s calming, communicative, and genuine. I personally feel uncomfortable posing for pictures and that is why I love Christine’s approach.

She captures the moments I want to remember — her photos are honest and beautiful.”

— Sara


Bring me all the feels

The happy tears & the temper tantrums

When I was a kid, feeling the feels wasn't always encouraged. I'm glad that's changing, these days.

When my daughter, Poppy, gets emotional, I say, “Go ahead and cry.” I’m constantly telling my kids that I love them. We’re always hugging. I don’t ever want them to feel like they’re too much.

I promise I’ll bring that same energy to your kids — it’s okay to not be okay. Alllll the feels are welcome in front of my lens. 


“Christine made our day so comfortable and easy.

She was very accommodating with our three-month-old! Highly recommend!”  


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Meet my little babies

Family is everything to me

Poppy is my quirky, budding artist five-year-old. She loves coloring (unicorns especially), painting flowers, making jewelry, and singing off-key at the top of her lungs. She has really big emotions. I’m fairly confident she will go through a lengthy awkward phase one day. And I love everything about her.

Noah is my sweet and cuddly two-year-old. Every morning, he wakes up and immediately runs to me for a morning snuggle. He plays with trucks and cars all day, every day. He also has a great sense of humor. He is always smiling, and he loves to laugh at all the Piggy and Elephant books.